

Linear Lighting

217 products

Showing 97 - 144 of 217 products

Showing 97 - 144 of 217 products
LSI Industries Lensed Strip SDLLSI Industries Lensed Strip SDL
LSI Industries LSI Industries Lensed Strip SDL
Sale price$0.00 USD
LSI Industries Micro Wall Wash MWW
LSI Industries LSI Industries Micro Wall Wash MWW
Sale price$0.00 USD
LSI Industries Advantage LED Strip Light ASTLSI Industries Advantage LED Strip Light AST
LSI Industries Wide Enclosed & Gasketed EGWLSI Industries Wide Enclosed & Gasketed EGW
LSI Industries S Series Strip Lighting S
LSI Industries Enclosed & Gasketed EG3
LSI Industries Advantage Enclosed & Gasketed Luminaire EGALSI Industries Advantage Enclosed & Gasketed Luminaire EGA
LSI Industries R Series - Recessed RLS
LSI Industries High Output Linear Sign/Wall Washer LXW2
LSI Industries Linear Display Light LDL3
LSI Industries Linear High Output Lighting LXC2
LSI Industries LiniArc Horizontal HRZLSI Industries LiniArc Horizontal HRZ
LSI Industries LiniArc RAILLSI Industries LiniArc RAIL
LSI Industries LSI Industries LiniArc RAIL
Sale price$0.00 USD
LSI Industries LiniArc Direct/Indirect CURV
LSI Industries R Series - Wall Direct RWM
LSI Industries LiniArc Direct/Indirect Prism PRISMLSI Industries LiniArc Direct/Indirect Prism PRISM
LSI Industries LiniArc Direct/Indirect LDI
LSI Industries LiniArc Direct Partial-Perforated LAP
LSI Industries R Series - Suspended RSS
LSI Industries R Series - Surface RSM
LSI Industries R Series - Direct/Indirect RDI
LSI Industries Clarity Multi-Purpose Linear CLRMLSI Industries Clarity Multi-Purpose Linear CLRM
LSI Industries Clarity Direct/Indirect Linear CLRLLSI Industries Clarity Direct/Indirect Linear CLRL
LSI Industries Wall/Ceiling Mount W44
LSI Industries Sculpted Light Form SLFLSI Industries Sculpted Light Form SLF
LSI Industries Low Profile Wrap WNA
LSI Industries LSI Industries Low Profile Wrap WNA
Sale price$0.00 USD
LSI Industries Dome Wrap DW
LSI Industries LSI Industries Dome Wrap DW
Sale price$0.00 USD
LSI Industries 88-Series LED Wrap Retrofit kit 88RK
LSI Industries Advantage Field-Selectable Wrap AWLSI Industries Advantage Field-Selectable Wrap AW
LSI Industries BriteStripe LED Light BRIGHTSTRIPE
Barbican Lighting WhyBarbican Lighting Why
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Why
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting VeerBarbican Lighting Veer
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Veer
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting VaultBarbican Lighting Vault
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Vault
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting U-TurnBarbican Lighting U-Turn
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting U-Turn
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting The WaveBarbican Lighting The Wave
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting The Wave
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting TeeBarbican Lighting Tee
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Tee
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting SwerveBarbican Lighting Swerve
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Swerve
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting ParagonBarbican Lighting Paragon
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Paragon
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting ObtuseBarbican Lighting Obtuse
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Obtuse
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting HelixBarbican Lighting Helix
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Helix
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting HPC™ | X WeldBarbican Lighting HPC™ | X Weld
Barbican Lighting HPC™ | T WeldBarbican Lighting HPC™ | T Weld
Barbican Lighting HPC™ | StraightBarbican Lighting HPC™ | Straight
Barbican Lighting HPC™ | L WeldBarbican Lighting HPC™ | L Weld
Barbican Lighting HPC™ | CurveBarbican Lighting HPC™ | Curve
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting HPC™ | Curve
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting FlexureBarbican Lighting Flexure
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Flexure
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting ElbowBarbican Lighting Elbow
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Elbow
Sale price$0.00 USD
Barbican Lighting CrossroadBarbican Lighting Crossroad
Barbican Lighting Barbican Lighting Crossroad
Sale price$0.00 USD

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